

easy guide employee discipline

Employee Discipline: The Complete Guide.

Share This: Employee discipline can be difficult if you do not have clear guidelines, policies, or procedures. Establishing clear policies and procedures is essential for your small business.  Write an Employee Handbook Your employee handbook shares your expectations. It is the backbone of your business. Your new employees will have information[…]

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How to Keep Your Employees Happy

Share This: It is important that your employees are happy while keeping customers satisfied and ensuring that the business runs smoothly. Running your small business is like managing a family. In order to keep your small business running smoothly, you need to keep the family happy. Let’s be honest, managing[…]

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Five Skills That Make You a Great Leader

Share This:We’ve all had managers that were good and managers that were bad throughout our careers, but what makes a great leader? How can we aspire to be a great leader for our employees? One bad manager in your small business can deal damage to your brand and your ability[…]

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creating mentoring program for your small biz

How to Implement a Mentoring Program for Your Small Business

Share This: Implementing a mentoring program in your small business can help your company in many ways such as: Reducing turnover and increasing employee retention Increasing employee engagement Transferring knowledge from your mentors to your mentees  Helping relationship development  Showing your future and current employees you are invested in them  According[…]

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habits of successful leaders

10 Habits of Successful Leaders

Share This: Being a successful leader is what many managers aspire to be. They also develop good habits to reach their goals. They know to be successful those habits take time to form and it is a commitment. We know some great leaders have good leadership skills such as being empathetic, inspiring,[…]

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how to hire good employees

How to Hire Good Seasonal Employees

Share This: One of your goals this year may be to hire good seasonal workers to help get through a more hectic schedule.  Job candidates are thinking about what they want to do months before seasonal breaks. It is important for you to think about and formulate a plan of[…]

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