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Small Business Link Roundup For September, 2018

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Here are some of the best articles we found in the month of September:


9 Habits of Super Successful People and What You Can Learn From Them

It seems like some people are consistently and constantly finding success — landing deals, getting connected with the right people and making a true difference in the world. But, these results aren’t based on luck, being in the right place at the right time or coming from an affluent background. They come from perseverance, ambition and intense observation of self.

As someone who’s been in competitive industries for decades, I’ve found that the habits we create will determine the consistency of our success. Today, I have built three six-figure businesses, including helping industry professionals get to peak performance by assessing their unique traits, motivators and communication tactics. (read more here).


The Future of Social Media Platforms and Ways in Which Businesses Can Utilize Them

Ever since the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the resulting backlash from the media about the negative effects of social media on our lives, users have been flocking from Facebook in droves. In fact, according to Pew Research, as much as 40 percent of U.S. users have taken a break — sometimes for weeks on end — from checking their account.

Not only are these users concerned about corporations’ misuse of their data, but they’re tired of watching other people’s life highlight reels. Those highlights often come across as a fabricated reality that makes many of us doubt our own life choices and compare our achievements and happiness to others’. (read more here).


The Best 2018 Small Business Time Tracking Apps for Android

Employee time management is a challenge for any small business because of all the effort spent collecting time sheets from employees. Issues like employees forgetting to submit their time card on time, you have trouble reading their handwriting, or you have to be at the job site to make sure employees show up on time just to name a few.

The right employee time-tracking software can help you solve these issues and increase the productivity and profitability of your business. Plus, it’s an excellent way to cut unnecessary expenses. (read more here).


The 1 Strategy That Separates Fast-Growing Businesses From Everyone Else

“That’s cute–but don’t tell anyone.”

If Kodak’s bankruptcy can be traced to a single sentence, it’s that response Steven Sasson allegedly received when presenting his prototype of the first digital camera to management. Although they couldn’t have known it that day in 1975, Kodak’s leaders had effectively ceded the company’s dominance of the photography industry.

Stories like Kodak’s exist in every industry. Former grocery giant A&P had its lunch eaten by Kroger because it ignored 20th-century consumers’ growing taste for upscale stores. Twice-bankrupt RadioShack didn’t buy into e-commerce until years after Best Buy and Walmart sold products online. (read more here).

8 Methods to Validate Your New Startup Idea Will Make Money

Once you have thought of a new business idea, consider taking steps to validate your new business will make money. Many times, entrepreneurs are so excited to start their business because of a new idea, they don’t take the time to research whether their product or service will really sell.

Sometimes, entrepreneurs start a business because they like the idea or they are passionate about the product. But not many others share that passion. They don’t find a need for that product or service. (read more here).


If you missed last month’s roundup, we had some great articles featured:

[Small Business Link Roundup for August]


Author: Raya Khashab

Raya is the CEO and co-founder of ezClocker. She is passionate about customers and building products that change the way people run their business. She is also a big supporter of the startup community and helping people achieve their dreams.

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