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Small Business Link Roundup For December, 2020

link roundup dec 2020
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Happy New Year! Here are the best articles we found for the month of December:

How Brands Can Develop a Winning Social Media Marketing Strategy in 2021

one reason to be excited about the new year. As 2020 ends, many businesses are left counting their losses and re-strategizing for 2021. 

2020 was not easy for anyone, but studying the way the year went does give some valuable insight into building your social media marketing strategy for the new year. One factor was overwhelmingly clear; there was way more involvement on social media due to COVID-19.   

The trends in 2020 are not just insightful; the year has also given cover to some really interesting evolutions in social media that every business owner should be interested in, especially as it concerns marketing on social media. Read more here.

How Your Small Business Should Handle No Show Employees

As a small business owner, your employees may ask off from work but how do you handle no show employees? Asking off work is understandable as everyone needs time off work for a variety of reasons. An employee must notify their employer when they need to take a day off. 

No show employees don’t necessarily mean that the employee has quit. It may mean it is a miscommunication from the lack of clear policies.

When an employee doesn’t show up to work, it can affect your business and your other team members. Usually, someone will have to fill in for that person. You may try to call someone else at the last minute, but it usually falls on the staff that is currently there. Read more here.

Why Square Co-Founder Jim McKelvey Thinks Chaos Is a Good Thing

When Jim McKelvey co-founded Square in 2009, most American shoppers still purchased goods the way they had for decades–by swiping a credit card. A mere 11 years later, the number of available payment options has exploded: Consumers pay with chip cards, and wireless options like Apple Pay and Venmo have become a mainstay. And Square’s familiar plastic dongle has become ubiquitous–facilitating transactions everywhere from coffee shops to roadside vegetable stands. 

McKelvey has gotten involved in the American financial system in new ways, too: In 2017, he was named an independent director of the Federal Reserve in St. Louis, his hometown, and he recently founded a new startup, Invisibly, which looks to give consumers control of how their personal data is monetized by advertisers. He’s also the author of a book, The Innovation Stack: Building an Unbeatable Business One Crazy Idea at a Time, where he shares the story of building Square and his philosophy for building disruptive companies. He spoke with Inc. about the future of finance, and what it means for entrepreneurs and consumers alike. Read more here.

Your Complete Guide to the 10 Best New Business Books of 2020

Business authors in 2020 must feel like travelers who packed for the beach and arrived to find the coast pulverized by a tsunami. Some with new books hastily cobbled together forwards or epilogues addressing current events or shoehorned Covid-19 paragraphs into their introductions. But we’ll have to wait until next year (and more likely later) for the deep thinks on what has changed and how to adapt. Meanwhile, 2020 produced some fine titles on leadership, strategy, and innovation. As usual, Silicon Valley hogged much of the attention. Read more here.

8 Things to Do Before the End of the Year for Your Small Business

Because this year may have been a challenge for your small business, you should find areas in which you should change. Evaluate what worked and what didn’t. What has always worked in the past, may not work for you any longer. Did your business suffer in sales?  If you haven’t already, now is the time to think about out-of-the-box marketing ideas. How could you market your business to fit today’s needs? 

For example, if you own a janitorial business, what benefits would you offer a client? Customers may want more disinfecting or sanitizing services. When talking to a potential client who is considering your services, you may want to focus on the number one problem they have and how your company can fix it. 

If you own a landscaping business, many people who work at home may prefer to have a landscaper now that they see what needs to be done. What can you do to show them how you can help? 

What problems can your small business fix for potential clients right now? 

Consider changing your marketing tactics and think about what you can do differently to make more money.  Reda more here.

If you missed last month’s link roundup please check it out here.


Author: Raya Khashab

Raya is the CEO and co-founder of ezClocker. She is passionate about customers and building products that change the way people run their business. She is also a big supporter of the startup community and helping people achieve their dreams.

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