Here are the best articles we found in the month of February on the topics of Entrepreneurship and Small Business:
4 Viral Strategies That Grew Billion Dollar Companies
Airbnb. Dropbox. Slack. We call them unicorns, but the fact that these former startups with $1B+ valuations are becoming less and less rare means that there’s never been a better time than now to take a lesson from their playbooks. Even better, you can use the same tools they did to build their customer bases and achieve rapid growth. (read more here).
3 Huge Trends That Will Affect the Future of Small Business
A new report from the Kauffman Foundation offers a lot to like about the current small-business landscape in the U.S., but points out several trends that are cause for concern. First, the unalloyed good news: The rate at which Americans start companies is up 15 percent since 2015. Main Street companies are doing well, particularly in terms of five-year survival rates, which approach 50 percent, according to an earlier Kauffman report. (read more here).
50 Ideas on How to Motivate Your Employees
A 2015 Gallup poll shows that in the United States over 50% of employees are not engaged, and 17.2% are actively disengaged. So how do you motivate people when over half of them are not engaged in the work place? Dan Pink in his book “Drive”, makes a case that employees are not driven by more money but by a sense of purpose and the ability to make a difference. In one of his TED talks he explains that research has shown.. (read more here).
30 Growth Hacking Techniques Worth Experimenting
Add vinegar to baking soda, and you’ll get a volcano. The science is simple: an acid reacts with a base. But the effect is big and gets you an A with your teacher. Growth hacking requires the same experimental mindset. Mix elements together in the right way, and you’ll turn them into something bigger. Although the internet’s filled with advice for how to hack growth, finding the right mix of elements is tricky. (read more here).
How to Get Funding For Your Small Business
Can I qualify for a business loan? Marc Prosser he co-founder and publisher of Fit Small Business says Small business lenders are generally looking for your business to be operating for 2 years, for your business to be generating an average revenue of $10,000 per month, and for you to have a personal credit score above 650 with no recent bankruptcies or tax liens. Essentially, they want your business to have..(read more here).
If you missed last month’s roundup, we had some great articles featured:
[Small Business Link Roundup for January]
Author: Raya Khashab
Raya is the CEO and co-founder of ezClocker. She is passionate about customers and building products that change the way people run their business. She is also a big supporter of the startup community and helping people achieve their dreams.