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Small Business Link Roundup For November, 2018

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Here are some of the best articles we found in the month of November:

4 Things Leaders Must Learn to Do

Over the past twenty years, we’ve helped thousands of CEOs and presidents tackle their biggest challenges in our Course for Presidents at Aileron. We’ve talked about their pain, what’s holding them back, and what they wish they could do if they could just get unstuck. And from all of our conversations about growth and opportunity, we hit on a common theme: many leaders struggle to figure out what is the right thing to work on right now.

Here are some of the takeaways we’ve discovered that should help you prioritize, focus and get the results you’re striving to achieve. Today’s market offers no shortage of options. We’re buried with “good options” week in and week out — bombarded with the next great piece of technology, strategy or buzzword. (Read more here)

5 Tips to Boost Revenue for Your Small Business

Are you looking for new ways to generate more revenue for your small business? You can boost your revenue with your current customer base by offering incentives or ensuring they know all the products and services you offer. Additionally, you should also look for different areas where you can generate new customers.

You probably have a marketing plan and are following those initiatives. But, if you are not getting the revenue you expected or are ready to expand, here are some tips to boost revenue for your small business:

Partner with other businesses

Do you offer a service that may go well with other small businesses? You want to work with potential partners who have the same type of customer base, but don’t offer the same services. There are many ways to partner with another business. (Read more here).

4 The Cold Email Academy (with Upwork’s #1-ranked email marketer)

There are many ways to locate email addresses and turn them into lists to leverage in email campaigns, but some are more effective than others.

The best outreach lists are small and highly-qualified. They’re typically built using a mix of manual prospecting and scraping tools like Voila Norbert. You can even further streamline the process by using an integration tool like Zapier.

So where should you go to find prospects? Google is the obvious choice, but it’s far from your only (or best) option. Our go-to platform is LinkedIn. Invest in a premium account so your searches aren’t limited, and then send (personalized) connection requests to a narrow group of highly-targeted prospects.

With the right targeting and a persuasive message, 20-60% of your connection requests should be accepted (and you’ll automatically get each of their email addresses, too). (Read more here).

This Is the Secret to Avoiding Burnout, According to Google’s In-House Productivity Coach

Burnout is nothing new — the Roman physician Galen wrote about the condition in the 2nd century AD — but these days the problem has reached near epidemic proportions.

One recent Gallup poll found nearly a quarter of employees claim they’re constantly burnt out, while a massive 44 percent reported feeling sometimes burnt out. All that exhaustion costs something like $125 billion to $190 billion in health-care spending a year.

One way to avoid becoming part of these grim statistics yourself is to take it easy, but if you’ve got big ambitions or a high-powered position, a laid back life probably isn’t an option. If you’re on this high-achieving track, what’s your remedy? One great place to look for answers is Google. (Read more here).

Your Holiday Marketing Guide: Tips and Ideas

Every business attempts to capitalize on the holidays. In a season of sales, how do you get yours noticed? Here are some ideas to brighten your holiday marketing results.

Add Holiday Sparkle to Your Digital World

Sprinkle holiday cheer throughout your business’s digital world to nurture the spirit of gift-giving.

Produce Share-Worthy Media

Think of the social media that grabs you, particularly around the holiday season. In most cases, these are messages you can relate to. A post that solves a problem, is of great interest, carries heavy emotional content, or entertains will find its way through the networking ranks a lot faster than common overstated or unrelated messages.

However, everyone loves a good holiday sale, gift-giving ideas and coupons. The better the deal, the more likely they will share these with their friends and family. (Read more here).

If you missed last month’s roundup, we had some great articles featured:

[Small Business Link Roundup for October]

Author: Raya Khashab

Raya is the CEO and co-founder of ezClocker. She is passionate about customers and building products that change the way people run their business. She is also a big supporter of the startup community and helping people achieve their dreams.

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