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Small Business Link Roundup For June, 2017

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Here are some of the great articles we found in the month of June:


22 Killer Outreach Emails That Worked

A well-written outreach email can produce backlinks, new clients, exposure to a new audience, turn a dissatisfied customer into a super fan, and more! Unfortunately, most people are terrible at writing a good outreach email. In this post you’ll find some of the best outreach emails to learn from, entrepreneurs like Alex Turnbull of GrooveHQ to The Customer Service Team of Zappos and many others ..(read more here)


7 Financial Goals To Help Grow Your Small Business

If you’re a small business owner or entrepreneur, growing your business is likely a top priority. Small business growth typically requires diligence and attention across a variety of operational, creative, finance, and management functions. Among these many tasks, setting financial goals will be one of the most important steps you can take to achieve growth.

However, you plan to grow your small business, whether it’s by hiring more employees, buying equipment, or increasing your marketing budget, finances will play a large part. Regardless of the stage that your business is in, setting financial goals is always a smart move. (read more here).


How to Fund your Startup Dream

Starting your own business comes with many trials and tribulations. Entrepreneurs quickly find that developing their idea for a product or service is often the easiest part of becoming a small business owner. Little do many of them know, or prepare for, the extensive amount of work they will have to do to find the funding option that is most appropriate for them. Entrepreneurs may be surprised at the difficulty they may face in funding their ideas. That’s not to say that funding options are not plentiful. In fact, it is just the opposite..(read more here)


Top 5 Personality Traits Investors Look for in an Entrepreneur

I thought it might be interesting to gather the perspectives of professional investors at venture capital funds who have backed some of the biggest names in technology startups including Pinterest, Uber, Boxed and SeatGeek. In general, several recurring attributes emerge, supporting the fact that investors believe there is a certain personality profile that is predictive of success. Furthermore, many of these traits are areas that entrepreneurs can diligently work on and improve, and not necessarily things that are innate — meaning people aren’t just born with it. Five traits that tend to be associated with the most successful entrepreneurs include: (read more here)


15 Facebook Ad Campaigns by Jon Loomer

Post details a restructuring of Jon Loomer’s Facebook ad campaigns that he’s currently running. The post gives a behind-the-scenes look at what he’s thinking about when creating his own FB campaigns. John strategy is to target a broader audience for the top of the funnel, getting more precise as they go down. He finds that he ends up spending more money at the top than at the bottom. (read more here).

If you missed last month’s roundup, we had some great articles featured:

[Small Business Link Roundup for May]



Author: Raya Khashab

Raya is the CEO and co-founder of ezClocker. She is passionate about customers and building products that change the way people run their business. She is also a big supporter of the startup community and helping people achieve their dreams.

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