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Small Business Link Roundup For July, 2018

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Here are some of the best articles we found in the month of July:

How to Beat Stress and Boost Happiness

Too much stress can lead to decreased productivity, poor health and burnout. The truth is, however, we usually stress about things that never actually happen. Or, if they do, we end up handling these situations much better than we’d imagined.

Research conducted by Happify discovered that a whopping 85 percent of people admit that the things we worry about never actually happen. Not only that, but when our worries do become a reality, 80 percent of people say they handle these situations better than they thought they would. Still, seven out of 10 people say they experience stress and anxiety every day. (read more here).

What Makes a Great Place to Work?

With national unemployment at a 17-year low, businesses are working overtime to recruit, engage, and retain talent. Our firm, Quantum Workplace, a leading software platform for employee engagement and performance, partners with Inc. to survey Americans in pursuit of the employers that create strong cultures of engagement.

At the start of the year, firms of all sizes and industries are nominated for this recognition. Once nominated, each company has to survey all employees using our methodology. Quantum Workplace gathers, analyzes, and audits the data. The survey covers topics such as trust in senior leadership, career development, change management, and benefits and perks.

Employee engagement measures the strength of the mental and emotional connection workers feel toward their places of occupation. Those measurements have reached new highs this year. Among participating companies, 74.2 percent of workers are highly engaged, compared with 72.1 percent in last year’s data set. (read more here).

Productivity Tools Every Small Business Owner Should Use

Time management is an essential skill of any small business owner, if you own a small construction company, lawn care service, or a janitorial business you don’t have a large team that can help you run your business. In most cases you or your office manager are doing the hiring, employee time tracking, payroll, and customer service all at the same time so every minute counts, and with the latest technology advancements the past decade, there is no reason not to use technology to help you with your goal of being more productive with your time.

Slack is the most popular team communication app out on the market. It allows you to create groups (they call them channels) where you can message anyone in that channel or send a private message to one person. You can also upload pictures/documents and send them to your team. What Slack has done is allow users to eliminate emails and run all of their business communication in one place. You can also use the remind tool in Slack to set reminders for the team instead of using a calendar with email reminders, you can use reminders for meetings or submitting paper work. (read more here).

4 Resources You Already Have Are Enough to Crush Every Challenge

If Isaac Newton were a businessman, he might have said the size and significance of your goal brings with it an equal or greater amount of challenges you will have to overcome in order to achieve it.

Anyone who’s pursued anything worthwhile in life or business has experienced this truth. People have, over and over, conquered insurmountable odds, but we still overlook the most critical resource we need to navigate the gauntlet to achievement. When we are thrown a curveball, we typically react with time, money, people, systems or even more sales. While those are valuable resources to any business, at the heart of them all lies resourcefulness. (read more here).

20 Businesses You Can Start on a Budget

Many people dream of starting their own business. Businesses which don’t require much investment except the tools or equipment needed are easy to pursue, particularly if you have the skills to do so.

Richard Branson said, “Entrepreneurship is about turning what excites you in life into capital so that you can do more of it and move forward with it.”

Some jobs start small and you can do alone. This is called micropreneurship. Micropreneurs are business owners who work independently in a niche market and have the chance to do the work they want to do. These business professionals usually work with little up-front costs but require discipline to work and market themselves. (read more here).

If you missed last month’s roundup, we had some great articles featured:

[Small Business Link Roundup for June]

Author: Raya Khashab

Raya is the CEO and co-founder of ezClocker. She is passionate about customers and building products that change the way people run their business. She is also a big supporter of the startup community and helping people achieve their dreams.

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