Here are the best articles we found for the month of March:
7 Signs Your Employee is Ready to Be a Manager
As your small business grows you may be thinking about promoting someone as a new manager. Usually, you look for someone who shows good leadership skills. It is important to promote someone with natural leadership abilities, especially for your small business. One bad manager can hurt your business and can cause turnover.
Some people are born to lead. Whatever group setting they are put in they start leading the team. If you can, ask employees to form a team or a committee. Then request them to solve a problem. The person who immediately takes charge could possibly be a leader. If you aren’t sure, do some team-building exercises and you will probably see someone shine. You may be surprised. Sometimes it may be someone who you always thought was quiet and introverted. Read more here.
How to Lead Through A Pandemic: Addressing Your Team’s Concerns
When my team met after things in the US drastically changed almost overnight, we did something different because I knew we needed to talk to the fears and the concerns that various team members had in order to help ease their anxiety. So here is what I did with my own team.
It’s important that as a leader you focus on being the voice of certainty in a sea of confusion. You need to be that congruent voice. It doesn’t mean you have to have all the answers because you won’t always have all the answers. Right now there’s a lot of unknowns about what’s going on, but there are some things that you should be able to rely on. Read more here.
Need an Affordable Time Clock App for Your Employees? Try out ezClocker for FREE!
10 Skills You Can Turn into a New Side Hustle
As most of the country is staying home other than for essential needs, there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself with more time on your hands. No more commute, fewer errands to run, fewer distractions — why not use those newfound minutes productively? Learn something new in your free time and you might turn those extra hours into a few extra bucks. Here are 10 ideas to get you started.
Copywriters: Businesses need great copywriters to make their products stand out online. Considering brick-and-mortar stores are closed, copywriters are in even greater demand. This 11-course, expert-led bundle will teach you the secret to writing great copy that sells on any medium.Read more here.
10 Tips From CEOs on Working From Home Effectively and Happily
According to Paul Statham, CEO at Condeco Software, “Coronavirus is accelerating working from home, a trend that was already happening in many businesses and organizations. According to our Modern Workplace 2019 report, 41 percent of employers now offer some form of remote working, and we expect that figure to be even higher in our next report due to be released in April.”
Statham continues, “New technology has enabled companies to offer employees this flexibility and that means that even in the midst of a global crisis, businesses can carry on productively with limited impact in a secure and collaborative way. Threats to business come from many areas but those companies that are using technology to maximize their productivity already, including the ability to meet in a virtual meeting online or book desks, workspace or meeting spaces from a remote location, will find it easier to ride out disruption.” Read more here.
If you missed last month’s link roundup please check it out:
[Small Business Link Roundup for February]

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